Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Do You Remember The Time

So yes, this was the title to one of my favorite Michael Jackson songs, but it is also an overused theme in the enemy’s camp. Over the years I have found that when I am even slightly on task, the devil will take extra special care to remind me of all of the things that were negative in my past. No matter what place I’m in currently he seeks with all of his power, which really isn’t much when you think about it, to take me back to the place the I used to be in, feeling the feelings that I used to feel there, thinking the thoughts that I once thought, with the people that I used to be around. There is generally a reason that all of that stuff; the places, thoughts, feelings, and people, are in my past and didn’t make it to my present, and he tries to negate all of that and get them there anyway.

The unfortunate thing is that his suggestions are somewhat powerful. They will get you to start journeying back into time to relive some of those moments. Usually he’ll start with some of the more positive ones, but without fail he’s going to hit you with the negative sooner or later, and it’s the negative thoughts that cause us to miss the mark currently. It’s the negative thoughts that will make us self sabotage in our current walk. It’s the negative thoughts that will have us doubting people in our present relationships. It’s the negative thoughts that will have us believing that we’re not worthy of great friendships or relationships. It’s the negative thoughts that will drive us over the edge of sanity and reason, and have us doubting everything that we honestly know in our hearts to be true. And at the end of the day that’s all that the enemy really wants and needs.

He doesn’t really care whether or not we’re doing things that are evil. He just needs to make sure that we are not doing what we’re supposed to be doing at the time. You see when we’re purposeful he’s in danger. That’s when we reach people for the Kingdom of God. That’s when people get to experience the love of Jesus Christ through us. That’s when people know that they’re life is not over. That’s when people learn that God is a God of many chances because of his mercy and grace. That’s when they realize that there really is a way out of the hell that they’re experiencing. That’s when people make a decision to walk away from the foolishness and into their own purpose. That’s when people find their freedom to fully be who God created them to be. There is liberation for others in us being on task. That’s why we have to make it a number one priority in our lives.

All of this to say that the next time the devil whispers in your ear, “Do you remember the time?” respond in kind. Ask him if he remembers the time that God saved your life when he shouldn’t have. When God should have punished you but he didn’t. When God provided for you when you didn’t have any money. When God loved you when you were your most unloveable. I find that those types of memories usually shut up his foolishness really quickly. They also serve as a catalyst to keep you on track and focused on the things that really matter in your life which are living 100% for God and focusing on his purpose for you in this day.